Gold, 50 bird feathers [including feathers of macaw, amazon, eclectus, African Grey, conure, budgerigar, rose-breasted cockatoo, golden pheasant, grass parakeet, peacock, jungle fowl, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
2 ⅝ x 3 ¼ x 2 ¼ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale.
Gold, 35 Bird Feathers [including feathers of green-winged macaw, hyacinth macaw, tragopan, eclectus, amazon, blue-streaked lory, bantam, araucana, grass parakeet, budgerigar, cockatiel, cockatoo, peacock, guinea hen and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
1 ¾ x 4 ¼ x 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale.
Gold, 56 bird feathers, [including feathers of peacock, Hamburg, grass parakeet, amazon, guinea hen, lovebird, budgerigar, jungle fowl, hyacinth macaw, blue and gold macaw, green-winged macaw, rose-breasted cockatoo, Moluccan cockatoo, cockatiel, eclectus, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
2 ¾ x 4 ¼ x 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale.
Gold, 34 Bird Feathers [including feathers of Moluccan cockatoo, budgerigar, lovebird, macaw, peacock, African grey, eclectus, silver seabright, flamingo, bantam, conure, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
2 ¾ x 4 3/8 x 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale.
Gold, 28 Bird Feathers [including feathers of African grey, macaw, budgerigar, peacock, hamburg, lovebird, amazon, silver seabright, pionysis, grass parakeet, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
5 x 4 ½ x 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale.
Gold, 69 Bird Feathers [including feathers of flamingo, rose-breasted cockatoo, eclectus, hyacinth macaw, green-winged macaw, budgerigar, grass parakeet, peacock, guinea hen, amazon, cockatiel, lovebird, pheasant, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
2 ½ x 4 ¼ x 4 ¼ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale.
Gold, 77 Bird Feathers [including Peacock, Guinea Hen, Jungle Fowl, Amazon, African Grey, Green-Winged Macaw, Blue & Gold Macaw, Hyacinth Macaw, Rose-Breasted Cockatoo, Lovebird, Budgerigar, Grass Parakeet, Eclectus, Cornish Bantam, Lady Amherst Pheasant, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
3 x 4 ½ x 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale.
Gold, 56 Bird Feathers [including feathers of amazon, wild turkey, Lady Amherst Pheasant, green peacock, blue peacock, budgerigar, grass parakeet, pionysis, eclectus, lovebird, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
4 x 4 ½ x 5 inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode To A Nightingale
Gold, 69 Bird Feathers, including feathers of African grey, budgerigar, amazon, hyacinth macaw, sulfur-crested cockatoo, Moluccan cockatoo, macaw, peacock, eclectic, pionysis, grass parakeet, Rosella, conure, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
4 3/4 x 4 1/4 x 4 1/2 inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale.
Keats No. 10: Gold, 353 bird feathers [including budgerigar, grass parakeet, macaw, conure, blue-streaked lory, amazon, eclectus, and African grey parrots, jungle fowl, rose-breasted cockatoo, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
1 ½ x 4 x 4 inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale
Gold, 100 bird feather [including lovebird, African grey, macaw, peacock, budgerigar, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
3 x 4 ½ x 4 inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale
Gold, 99 Bird Feathers [including African Gray, eclectus, macaw, amazon, grass parakeet, budgerigar, lovebird, rose-breasted cockatoo, cockatiel, flamingo, Guinea Hen, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
3 x 4 ½ x 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale
24k Gold, 33 gifts of bird feathers [including orange-winged amazon, scarlet macaw, green-winged macaw, hyacinth macaw, African grey, moluccan cockatoo, yellow crested cockatoo, lovebird, budgerigar, peacock, ocellated turkey, and other birds], water-gilded cherry wood [wood, chalk, rabbit skin glue, bole, and water], poetry, and music.
6 ¼ x 4 ¼ x 5 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale
Gold, 38 Bird Feathers [including Blue & Yellow Macaw, lovebird, barred chicken, Guinea Hen, cockatoo, cockatiel, ring-necked pheasant, grass parakeet, ocellated turkey, Golden Pheasant, Grey Peacock Pheasant, and other birds], Water-Gilded Wood.
22 ½ x 7 ½ x 8 inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale
24k Gold, 54 gifts of bird feathers [including African Grey, Macaw, eclectus, hamburg, amazon, moluccan cockatoo, hawk-headed parrot, and other birds] water-gilded cherry wood [wood, chalk, rabbit skin glue, bole, and water], poetry, and music [mostly Brahms].
3 ½ x 4 ¾ 4 ½ inches
Poetry: John Keats, Ode to the Nightingale
Music: Johannes Brahms, 4th Symphony
Studio view of all the parts in the making of Keats #10, Past the near meadows, over the still stream: notebook, 365 feathers, gold working draft, and final parchment.
Detail view of the elements in the making of Keats #10, Past the near meadows, over the still stream
Detail, working base, Keats #10, Past the near meadows, over the still stream,